UPVC Sliding Window

Neelaadri True Frames uPVC Sliding Windows Bangalore

Our uPVC sliding windows Bangalore, systems are the ideal fenestration choice that enables ease of usage and provides ample air circulation coupled with a panoramic view. These uPVC sliding windows Bangalore occupy 66% lesser space than conventional windows and accommodate larger glass panels

application areas
Ideally suited for living rooms, bedrooms, balconies and toilets in apartments, villas, row houses, farmhouses and commercial spaces.

we provide a whole range of sliding windows that are not just beautifully coloured with variants that suit for different kind of Exterior and Interior shades but also ensure for a long-lasting colour composition that does not fade out so easily as our Prominence Profile are tested more the 25,000 hours. We at TrueFrames choose a very precise composition of dye that is maintenance free for many years of its operation.

Windows Features

  • Weather Seal
    Weather seal strips fill gaps between the sliding door tracks and sliding door frame or window frame to prevent air flow.
  • Touch Lock
    High quality Aluminium Die Cast Touch Lock provides strength and durability
  • Sliding Groove Rollers
    The windows come equipped with slider rollers that ensure smooth maneuverability as well as durability.
  • Al Grid Rail
    For smooth operation and durability.
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Neelaadri True Frames